Idiot Abroad
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Good Netflix shows to watch
by Simon inin the long winter nights you need some good tv shows to watch while you wait for the eternity between seasons of game of thrones.. we've watched marco polo (pretty good) and have just started watching orange is the new black which is not at all what i imagined (didn't know it was funny!).
house of cards is on the list too as we've heard good things about that.. anyone have any others that are worth seeing?.
Poster country flags and privacy
by Simon inthe new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
breakfast of champions
I'm not at all against having flags to identify a poster's country. I've identified what country and state I live in numerous times over the years.
My thought, though, is that many times a flag symbol is really almost meaningless.
For instance: one poster is from England, another from Scotland, yet another from Wales, and one from Northern Ireland. Does the UK flag really represent the diversity in these posters?
Or: I'm from New Jersey and another poster is from Hawaii, and we both get US flags?
We practically live on opposite sides of the planet!
The spirituality of science
by Coded Logic inthings are often more than the sum of their parts.
the letters typed onto this page, for example, are more than just letters.
they've become a series of ideas and concepts.
breakfast of champions
My wife has told me that I'm the most "spiritual" person she knows, but I don't even believe in god (or spirits or anything supernatural).
I think the "spiritual" she is talking about is being able to see past the surface and appreciating (although not fully understanding) what's going on behind it all.
CODED - I think this is part of what you're talking about in the OP.
Does anyone have the 2014 stats from the 2015 Yearbook yet?
by berrygerry indoes anyone have the 2014 stats from the 2015 yearbook yet?.
(isn't it usually out by now - or are they waiting to celebrate new year's day?
breakfast of champions
Let's hear it for Canada!
A big goose egg for growth in 2014!
Although, I consider anything 1% and below to be negative growth (not even keeping up with the population)
JW buttons & BIG meeting cases!!!!
by DwainBowman ini can understand maybe wearing one of these out in fs, or at ca's & dc/ic, while out and about, but to the kh, come on who the heck are they trying to impress??
it looks so stupid for half the congregation to be wearing these things at most of the meeting.
oh and now when the circuit serpent, sorry servant, comes around it's even worse!!!
breakfast of champions
STAN - creepiest picture ever. . . . Wow. -
Toddler accidentally shoots woman dead in Idaho Walmart
by nicolaou ina woman has been shot dead by a 2-year-old in a wal-mart store in idaho.. .
the 29-year-old was shopping with four children in the store in hayden, when the two-year-old reached into her handbag and fired the weapon, shooting her dead.. initial reports suggested the woman was the boy's mother, but the police have said that this is as yet unclear how they are related.. source;
i've nothing to add to my past comments on americas psychotic relationship with guns.
breakfast of champions
Is someone who has already reproduced still eligible for the Darwin Awards? -
breakfast of champions
Congrats! Only 12 hrs 15 minutes left of 2014 in NJ. -
BOE 2014-11-06 Procedures when legal issues are involved
by wifibandit infull set:
breakfast of champions
Ok. . . So when they brought a gazillion cases to the Supreme Court in the 20th century, they were "defending and legally establishing the good news."
When others use the judicial system they are 'proud, greedy and litigious.'
An unconfirmed report of a JW Murder in Mozambique
by Slidin Fast ina couple from the uk, international construction volunteers, were living in a trailer whilst building a translation facility in mozambique.
a gang attacked them with machetes and stole everything they owned.
the couple were flown back to the branch in south africa.
breakfast of champions
Very sad. -
Article: Jehovah’s Witnesses holding classes at Palm Coast training center
by AndersonsInfo2 in
jehovahs witnesses holding classes at palm coast training center.
by tony [email protected].
breakfast of champions
OUTLAWS post made coffee come out my nose! Lol. .